The Dalmatian is one breed that needs basic obedience training. Training your Dalmatian to be a good member of the family is important. You can train your Dal at home or enroll in an obedience class.
Masticatory Muscle Myositis (MMM)
Masticatory Muscle Myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory muscle disorder found in dogs and other animals. Masticatory Muscle Myositis usually affects larger breeds of dogs, such as German Shepherds. It also tends to affect young and middle-aged dogs. Dalmatians are not likely to be affected by Masticatory Muscle Myositis, but there have been some isolated cases.
Congenital Deafness in Dalmatians
Congenital deafness is a common occurrence in Dalmatians.
But, There is Good News
The good news is that today we have a test that will tell us whether or not a puppy can hear. The BAER (brainstem auditory evoked response) test measure the hearing response in each puppy’s ear. The test can be performed once the puppies are 6 weeks old.
Skin Disorders in Dalmatians
Webster’s definition of skin disorders should be “Dalmatian.”
If you’re thinking about getting a Dalmatian, one thing you need to know is that they have a lot of skin disorders. Skin disorders are usually worse in the summer and caused by allergies. Warmer weather brings out those pesky fleas and ticks which can make your Dalmatian itch and scratch. Products such as Frontline Plus for Dogs, K9 Advantix, and Advantage Flea Control for Dogs will provide your dog with flea and tick protection.
Urinary Stone Disease in Dalmatians
Dalmatians and other breeds of dogs may develop urinary stone disease. Urinary stone disease is a condition that develops in some Dalmatians, but not all Dalmatians. Crystals form in their urine because of a metabolism condition. These crystals, if left unchecked, can grow into urate stones.