Hop To It!


Fleas can be more than just a nuisance.  Fleas can cause a number of health problems for your Dal.

  • A flea’s bite can cause skin allergies, and Dalmatians are prone to allergies.
  • Flea saliva can cause dermatitis, a skin problem which causes severe itching.
  • If your Dal happens to swallow an infected flea, the flea could transmit parasites such as tapeworms.
  • A severe flea infestation can lead to more serious problems, such as anemia.

Fleas can be a problem despite the weather temperatures because  they can live indoors for a long time.

The life cycle of the flea lasts three to four weeks, but if temperature and humidity are not perfect, they can lie dormant. Undeveloped fleas can survive in carpeting and pet bedding for up to six months and sometimes  longer.


A Dalmatian puppy does NOT make a good Christmas present.

Think twice before you buy a Dalmatian puppy for a Christmas present.

The holidays are approaching, and it’s important to educate your friends and family that Dalmatian puppies do not make good holiday presents.  Photos of Dal puppies with bows on their heads are cute, but these pet store puppies may come from puppy mills.

A Dalmatian puppy is never a novelty item. It’s cute and cuddly on Christmas morning, but a long-term commitment comes with it. Unless you intend to keep that commitment and care for that puppy for the next 12 years or so, a Dalmatian puppy is not for you.

Don’t buy on impulse. Remember, it is not returnable to the pet store. Please do your homework and make sure the breed fits in with your lifestyle. Familiarize yourself with the breed’s temperament before you buy!

If you would like to buy a puppy for a friend or family member, ask first. Otherwise it could be a problem. Just because you think it will make a terrific Christmas gift doesn’t mean the recipient will. What happens if the recipient doesn’t want the puppy? You have two choices: either take the puppy yourself or take it to an already overcrowded shelter.

Dalmatians make wonderful pets and are a loving addition to any family. If you decide a Dalmatian is for you, choose a reputable breeder  or rescue a Dal. They need you.

Here are two links for Dalmatian rescues.  One is in the U.S.A. and one is in the UK.




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Urinary Health

 Urinary Health

Illness Care and Prevention Tips

 by Dr. Matthew J. Heller

Dogs and cats can suffer from diseases and disorders similar to those that can trouble their owners. Urinary tract disease is a common cause for concern for pets.

 Urinary System Primer 

The urinary system is vital to any animal’s health, because it is responsible for removing waste products such as chemical byproducts, toxins and drugs from the bloodstream and eliminating them as urine. Other vital functions of the system include balancing the body’s pH, transforming vitamin D into an active form, and releasing hormones that aid in regulating blood pressure. 

Urinary tract disease may show up in several ways, including common bacterial infections easily treated with antibiotics, and bladder or kidney stones, which often require surgery. Just as in people, urinary tract disease causes pets pain and is dangerous if left untreated. 

Many urinary diseases share similar symptoms, any of which should prompt a proper professional diagnosis:


  •  Frequent straining to urinate, often with little success; if a pet likely has a full bladder and attempts to urinate but nothing passes, consult a veterinarian immediately 
  • More than the usual licking of the genital area 
  • Increased urination, sometimes in inappropriate areas, such as inside the home or outside the litter box 
  • Crying or whimpering when urinating 
  • Cloudy or bloody urine with a strong odor 
  •  Tenderness in lower abdominal area during examination 

As always, providing the veterinarian with details as to changes in recent potty habits is helpful. Based on a detailed medical history, many veterinarians will proceed to diagnostic testing that usually begins with a basic urinalysis.

 Urinary Tract Infections 

The most common cause of urinary tract disease is bacterial infection. For most urinary tract infections (UTI), an antibiotic regime will treat the present infection and lifestyle changes accompanied by veterinarian-recommended nutraceuticals may aid in preventing future problems. 

Certain underlying conditions may predispose a pet to infection, such as a weakened immune system or diabetes. Most canine UTIs are bacterial in origin and as a general rule, female dogs are more prone to experience them because the wider female urethra potentially allows more unwanted bacteria to enter. If bacteria then travels to the bladder and is left untreated, it may go on to contaminate the kidneys and other organs, presenting a serious health risk. 

Bladder Stones 

Bladder or kidney stones pose a more serious type of urinary disease, and either is of more concern for pets. In suspect situations, radiographic imaging such as X-rays or ultrasounds will help determine treatment. Small female dogs between the ages of 4 and 8 that have a history of bladder infections are the most vulnerable. 

While stones are less common in male dogs, it can pose a critical care situation if stones pass from the bladder into the male’s narrow urethra, where the obstruction prevents the pet from urinating. Stones can also affect feline friends and similar life-threatening situations can occur if urine is unable to pass. 

Generally, stones form in concentrated urine, so the less hydrated a pet, the greater the risk that a stone may form. Stones are formed by microscopic mineral crystals strained out of urine that band together to create a larger stone. There are various types of stones and correct identification will determine treatment options. 

Prevention Tips 

Increase water consumption.

Home cooking is a wonderful option for ensuring a pet is receiving ample moisture-rich foods; most recipes include fluid-rich meats and veggies. Offering high quality, premium canned food is good, too. For pets that routinely chow down on dry commercial foods, moisten rations with salt-free broth. Also, add a tiny pinch or unrefined sea salt to their water bowl; using distilled water is advised for pets with a history of stones.

Use supplements

Capsules of d-Mamnose cranberry extract combine a powerful natural diuretic with the antibacterial benefits of cranberries. The more often a pet urinates, the less likely the urine will become concentrated in the bladder.

Consider probiotics

Probiotics contain beneficial bacteria that establish a healthy flora in the digestive tract; a strong gut can fight off infectious bacterial challenges. 

Monitor pH.

Owners can purchase pH strips to test a pet’s first daily urine at home. Changes in a pet’s pH may indicate a urinary issue and that veterinary care is advisable.  

By staying alert to abnormal pet behavior and promptly consulting with a vet, you will be able to get your pet back to proper urinary health. 

 This article was reprinted courtesy of  Natural Awakenings Magazine

Dr. Matthew J. Heller is a holistic veterinarian and owner of All About PetCare, in Middletown, OH. For more information, visit AllAboutPetCare.com.
































How to Choose a Vet

If you’re a dog lover like I am, you probably already have a vet. You also probably swear by your vet,  think she’s the best, and tell vet stories to all your friends.

Our dog, Bailey, loves to go to the vet. First he gets a treat when he steps on the scale, Then he gets another treat when his name is called. Then he gets still another treat for being such a good boy during his examination. However, on the flip side, he does tend to forget his leash manners, and he does tend to forget to use his inside voice announcing his arrival. All in all, though, trips to the vet are a fun outing.

Suggestions for finding a vet that’s right for you and your Dal

  • Check with a local kennel club for a recommendation.
  • Make sure the vet is knowledgeable about Dalmatians. Dalmatians do have some health issues which are characteristic of the breed.  Congenital deafness and urinary stone disease are common health issues for the Dalmatian.
  • Visit several offices. Observe the staff and note their office procedures and the general cleanliness of the office. Talk to some of the pet owners waiting in the lobby.
  • Look for displays of state and other licenses. An office that is AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) certified has met the highest requirements. AAHA certification requires an on-site inspection every 2 to 3 years. At random, inspectors check equipment, selected files, X-rays, and pet records. If a violation is found, usually the office has a short period of time to correct the problem.

Information in this article was taken from The Official Book of the Dalmatian, written by the staff of The Dalmatian Club of America. The book has a wealth of Dalmatian information, and the pictures, well; there aren’t enough words to describe all the fabulous pictures!

Order Unique Dalmatian Fun Stuff

Shop the Spotted Line! 😀

Did you know you can now order specialty Dalmatian items?

How about a Dalmatian mug or water bottle?

A Dalmatian tote bag? 

A Dalmatian t-shirt?

A Dalmatian tank top?

A Dalmatian hat or cap?

A Dalmatian bumper sticker?

A Dalmatian calendar?

How about a pair of Dalmatian flip flops?

You get the picture. You can order all your favorite Dalmatian items by clicking this link

Just enter the word “Dalmatian” in the search box and shop for all your favorites. 

You can even design your own item with your own picture or artwork. It’s a great place to have fun.

Start shopping now! It’s fun! Click here and start shopping.